Objectives and Policies

The Foundation’s charitable objectives
To advance the education of the general public in Aldeburgh, Suffolk and the surrounding area, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of a lending library.
To further or benefit the residents of Aldeburgh, Suffolk and the neighbourhood, without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents.
Click to see our policy approach to meet objectives
Complaints ​
Any complaints, especially about safeguarding, discrimination or unfair treatment, will be taken seriously and should be reported to FOAL admin or any Trustee or Library staff. The Courses’ Manager or the line manager for the volunteers or contractors will organise a full investigation and report to the Trustees on action if appropriate.
​ The Foundation's Policies
Data Privacy and Protection
The Foundation has a customer data policy that conforms to GDPR. Data may be held as a necessary part of the Foundation’s aims and activities as a charity and will not be shared with other organisations. Data is held securely and may be accessed or deleted by individual request.
The Foundation offers services for the general public such as informal courses, workshops and talks in the Aldeburgh area where the resident population has a relatively high average age. Consequently, it is a policy of the Foundation that its trustees, volunteers and independent contractors be made aware of the age-related vulnerabilities and health issues that need to be handled sensitively and may only become apparent with time.
The Foundation does not provide specific services for children or vulnerable adults, where special safeguarding rules apply, but does provide funding to organisations that do, for example Libraries or Schools, who have their own established policies.
The Foundation is also guided by Government or Library specific rules for health or public safety and these may override normal policies, rules and advice.
Equality and Inclusion
The Foundation is fully committed to the letter and the spirit of Government laws including the Equality Act 2010 and will not discriminate on the basis of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation.
The Foundation aims to treat all its customers fairly, with dignity and respect as it expects them to treat others including the Foundation’s Trustees and other volunteers as well as administration and tutors who are independent contractors.
The Foundation also aims to reflect the diversity and views of the communities it serves.
Through relevant activities and events, exhibitions and displays
Providing relevant information
By recruiting contractors and volunteers that reflect the diversity of communities they serve
The Foundation wants to draw on and reflect the full range of backgrounds and perspectives in our communities. Its activities are offered in places or ways where it is appropriate to share views and ideas. However, those views can at times be uncomfortable and even offensive to some. Therefore, the Foundation must remain impartial and provide alternative views when deemed appropriate.
The Foundation will not tolerate any expression of hatred directed towards others during its activities or anything that promotes such opinions. It will take appropriate action against those who behave in this way. Any written materials found to be expressing such views will be removed.
The Foundation will assess new services for equality impact as and when appropriate. It will also periodically review existing services to ensure they are still operating fairly for everyone.