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Friends of Aldeburgh Library

Be a Friend of Aldeburgh Library (FoAL)
​Membership is free. If you do chose to donate we suggest £15.
Join here or at the Library.
Online Form
or Printed Form
Contact Abi for any other info at
​Annual General Meeting
​The AGM was held on November 22nd 2023.
The Friends of Aldeburgh Library (FoAL) is a group set up to support our local Library through the Aldeburgh Library Foundation, a registered Charity.
Individuals may join the Friends for free although donations are welcome. You may wish to be a Friend if you care about the Library by volunteering, using the library services regularly, sometimes paying to join courses or otherwise donating to support the Library. Members may attend and vote at the charity's AGM and help determine its policies. We may also provide feedback to Suffolk Libraires on what services may be appreciated in our library.
The membership donations support the Library, in particular their community activities and events and are eligible for gift aid. Together with the Library we have much to do and more to achieve.
Due to the Pandemic and its impact on Aldeburgh shops and businesses, we decided to put the Loyalty Card scheme into abeyance and we are not offering a Loyalty Card currently.
The Foundation offers a great variety of volunteering opportunities including:
Preparing refreshments for the course participants
Helping with the provision of some library services such as the Home Visiting service
Helping with promotion of activities taking place at the library
Helping us with development of our strategy and the development of the library into a "knowledge hub"
To find out more please
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