The Aldeburgh Library Foundation (the Foundation) was formed in August 2012 as a limited Company, by a Town Steering Group set up in response to the threat of widespread library closures. The Foundation was registered as a Charity (# 1150450) in January 2013. The Friends of Aldeburgh Library elect its Board of Trustees - see FoAL page for details.
Charity Trustee Board:
Annique Batters (Chair)
Celia Allaby (Courses & Events
Caroline Boyd (Treasurer)
Abi Hassett (Administrator)
David Briggs
Marianne Fellowes
Ann Wills
Ex Officio
Sue Osben (Library Manager)
Contact us
If you wish to contact us or join or amend our mailing list please use the online email form reached via the button below
Welcome to the Foundation's website

Aldeburgh Library Foundation, a registered charitable company, runs courses & talks and raises money to support the Library and activities for the community in Aldeburgh.
The Library in Aldeburgh is located at the Triangle Wood Green on Victoria Road, IP15 5EG and is run by Suffolk Libraries, an Industrial and Provident Society.​ ​
​Opening hours
Monday to Friday 9:00 - 1:00pm
( Wed close 6:00pm )
Saturday 10:00 - 3:00pm
Sunday 10:00 - 1:00pm
To go to the Aldeburgh Library website click here or click below to see events run for the Library itself.
Spring Timetable for 2025
It is with great pleasure that Aldeburgh Library Foundation (ALF) present the new programme of courses and activities taking place between January and June 2025. When you look at the detail by browsing the pages in this website you will find old favourites, some newer returners and some completely new activities for you to try. Highlighting some things to look out for:
Mondays Practical Herbal Medicine with Dave Bescoby​
Tuesdays The Villager's Talk with Graham Platts
Wednesdays Reach for the Stars with David Gwynn
Thursdays Engaging with Issues Facing Britain and Beyond
Fridays Pilates for Men with Sophie Martin
Saturdays Whole day Crafting and Art sessions.
Find out more by clicking on the Timetable, Online Brochure and the Booking Form.
Booking Information
If you have submitted a ‘Google booking form’ you should receive an automated reply with booking information. Bookings via the order form, email, telephone are all welcome. There is no need to re apply.
Please contact Abi directly by email or telephone if you have questions or would like help concerning your booking, such as dates, times, payment etc.
01394 421769
Courses and Talks information for Spring 2025
You will be notified about your course/talk ahead of the start date.
The following will be going ahead
Stretch and Glow
Tai Chi Beginners and Progressors
Continuing Watercolour
The Extraordinary Marys
Pilates for Men
Maidens, good Wives
Yoga and JUST WRITE will be run independently with the Tutor - details on the google booking form.​
The following will be going ahead
Zumba, Stretch and Glow, Tai Chi
Why Read Poems?
Aldeburgh Conversations
Beginners Watercolour
Sorolla v Sargent
iPad Improvers
The following will be going ahead
Engaging Series with Derek Wyatt
20th Century Women War Artists
Not yet fully subscribed
The Villagers Tale
Stained Glass
​Rag Rugs and More has been postponed
Hillary McCallion talk - Engaging Series has been postponed
Denis Kennedy talk - Engaging Series has a new date of 24 April
updated 30/1/25​

Policy Approach
The Foundation’s policy approach has been to:
Encourage, promote and support the development of a thriving knowledge hub at the heart of the Aldeburgh community for the benefit of the whole community, in which reading, learning and sharing knowledge can help to shape future well-being.
ALF runs a thriving local adult education activity with courses and talks mostly in the Library
provide a welcoming, accessible environment where social inclusion and community development can safely prosper in response to changing demographics, and socio-economic and educational needs of the people in the area of benefit.
ALF has raised over £120,000 to refurbish the Library and facilities including a children's area and better access.
build partnerships of shared interest between public, private and voluntary sectors at the heart of the Aldeburgh community.
ALF funds extra hours for Library staff to run community and voluntary activities in the building.
The Foundation’s charitable objectives are:
To advance the education of the general public in Aldeburgh, Suffolk and the surrounding area, in particular but not exclusively by the provision of a lending library.
To further or benefit the residents of Aldeburgh, Suffolk and the neighbourhood, without distinction of sex, sexual orientation, race or of political, religious or other opinions by associating together the said residents and the local authorities, voluntary and other organisations in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation leisure time occupation with the objective of improving the conditions of life for the residents.